Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Call to Excellence

No true measure of success was ever achieved without struggle & a good fight! Many have heard the call of excellence & have refused to answer fearing what friends & family will think. Those that dare to answer find complacency & mediocrity overwhelming & unbearable.

Psalms 8:9 says, O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!

Your creator is a God of excellence & you are created in this image & likeness. Be all you can be & God will make up the difference.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Wilson Wisdom Nugget [group mess.]

All around us are people that have had real life issues. We have to beware of the ones that have decided to be perpetual victims. Sympathy, to a perpetual victim, is like giving a rock to a crack addict. The more they get, the more they want. Yes we sympathize with other plight, but there has to be limites so that we dont end up empowering their weakness. If you want to help a perpetual victim, at some point you have to let go of people that would rather rehearse their saga, while resisting any efforts toward real change. Hitting rock bottom could be the only thing to make the seek real help over relief for the moment. Comments welcome!

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Good Morning, If you are receiving this it means God carried you thru the night and you are truly Blessed Send to 7 to make it complete "Be Blessed"

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required. Visit www.apple.com/quicktime/download to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime� Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Prayer request

To my friends & family, ask that you pray as i travel to Charlotte for my third tv appearance of Spiritual Lifeline with Rev. Julie. Look for knew videos on my website this week.

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Desire is, wanting things to be different than they are. Desire can be good or bad. Without desire nothing would get done. Then on the other hand, all suffering arises from our attachment to desired outcomes. The less attachment the less suffering. The bible says, take no thought for tomorrow. Why? Tomorrow & all outcomes belong to GOD!

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required. Visit www.apple.com/quicktime/download to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime� Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I would like to invite you to join me on Sunday evening @ 6:00 pm, July 27 as I minister @ Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church, 539 Williow st. Leonir NC.

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required. Visit www.apple.com/quicktime/download to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime� Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Many of us confuse lifes situations with LIFE. Life situations are made up of memories & thoughts in the mind. Real LIFE is what is happening NOW. Your life situations may be full of problems, but not your LIFE, your right now, this moment. You may have problems in time, tomorrow or next week, but no problem exist in the now, which is your LIFE. Learn to enjoy God in the 'now' of your LIFE.