Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Pain - Bishop Wilson
Stop! Bishop Wilson
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Awakening the God Within - Apostle Sage
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Not a Time to Be an Island - Bishop Wilson
One of the first things God said about man is that is not good for him to be alone. We in our limited thinking have closed the interpretation of this verses to just the meaning man having a
wife. It is not good for man to be alone because we need accountability!
Accountability and Unity of the body of Christ supersedes all other goals and plains. It does not matter if you are and apostle, bishop or just a pastor, you need someone you can trust to be a voice of encouragement a well as correction.
Spiritual islands always get lost in the storm because they are not attaches to a larger body.
The church universal must learn this lesson and be willing to seek others to be accountable to.
Monday, January 2, 2012
The Pictures & Direct the Outcomes. - Bishop Wilson
The human mind thinks in pictures. If I say "Red Roses" immediately without delay in your minds eye you see our interpretation of red roses.
It is so important that you learn to control the mental pictures that you hold in your mind, especially concerning challenges that you face. If you have a struggle that you are in and you daily hold a picture of that situation getting worse or youself not going to be able to come out, then that picture has the power to block the flow of God's power to change the situation. That negative imagine is manifestation of Doubt; doubt is unbelief.
Mat. 13:58 speaks of Jesus being in a city were they people doubted Jesus. It says, "...he could not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief."
These people had more faith in their mental picture of sickness than in God's ability to health them. This is still happening in the church today, peoples mental pictures, produce by doubt is greater than their faith to believe God can change their situation.
Use your imagination to build your faith and not destroy it. See in your minds eye by faith, God moving on your behalf and bring healing and deliverance to you!
This is what the woman with the issue of blood did, she saw herself touching Jesus and when she activated her faith by "speaking" what she saw in her imagination, "she said within herself (imagination) if I can touch the hem of his garment I will be made whole."
Change the pictures and change your entire life.
Wilsonmedia (c) 2012