The universe does not respond to our wanting cause we are coming from a place of lack. So all we can receive is more lack.
When our focus is on what we are not getting are what we don't have we create a place for more of that to appear in your reality.
The key is to see that we can only attract who we are and what we are. I had to learn to take 100% responsibility for all the good and bad things that showed up in my life, because the only reason it happen was there was something IN ME that was LIKE something in the situation or I would have never attracted it.
Every Victims will attract abusers. Why? To be a victim you have to have some type of abuse. So they have to attract someone that will allow them to keep their identity as a victim.
Every needy people will attract people that will not care about there needs. Why? The need to remain feeling needy so the can't attract a person that would meet their need, it would take about the identity of who they are, needy
The way you see yourself will determine who and what shows up in your life.
When we work on being the best person we can be we will then attraction people that are trying to do the same. Whole people attraction other whole, complete and prepared people.
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