Monday, December 26, 2011
Unhappy People - Bishop Wilson
Never listen to the voices of unhappy people.
Friday, December 23, 2011
The Truth
The bible declares that the truth has the power to make you free. However, I think we have not grasp the fullness of this principle.
If you find out the facts about a situation it may give you inside but yet still not free you spiritual. An example of that would be the person that is in a relationship and finds that their parnter is cheating on them. The fact are there, but that does not have the power to free them. They can leave the relationship, but that doesn't free them.
The truth that frees you will not be the truth from outside, it will be the truth that you learn about yourself as a result of the experience. It not only frees you from the present relationship it gives you the power to remain free from future relationships that would not be good for you; if you truly learn the lesson.
The truth that makes you and can keep you free is the truth you learn and are willing to hear about yourself.
Wilsonmedia (C) 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Faith & Imagination - Apostle Sage
Wishing for something will do us very little until the imagination, the creative power of God in man, is employed.
William Shakespeare said, "that which is was wished until it were."
The bible says it like this, "knowing that, things which do appear were not created by things which do appear."
Things that you desire to see manifest in your life do not have their origin in the stars, but in the heart of the one desiring it.
What is imagination? Imagination is the ability to see with the minds eye, sometimes call the third Eye, things that do not presently exist or have not happen yet.
True Faith demands that we introduce the creative facilities of our imagination. In what other way can we, "call things that be not as though the were". What that is asking you to do is to believe in what does not exist enough to call it forth out of the realm of infinite possibility, were all things exist NOW, but only in thought form.
It is in the realm of infinite possibility, we call the heavenlies, that all things exist awaiting us to get a thought that spars the creative flame of the imagination.
Imagination is the link that God has given us so that we can bring things which do not appear into the nowness of our present reality and out of the thought realm.
Whatever you desire and are willing to give focus, energy & intention can and will manifest in your reality. But you have to believe (faith) from the end; imagination it as already done.
Believing from the end is me getting in the "feeling tone" of already having what I desire before it shows up.
Example, this is me imagining what it feels like to be on the beach, or any were you desire, while you don't have the money to go. But you don't worry about the money knowing that imagination is hook to the realm of infinite possibility were the money exist to make it happen. Also you understand, if I go there enough in spirit I will some go there in the natural.
Faith is believing before you have what you desire. Imagination is seeing the end result of your faith. WOW, what a powerful team if worked together!
Sounds like a weird question, but for Christ to be our example he had to have a pattern that could be followed.
The question that helps us find the pattern is this, "HOW MANY SICK PEOPLE DID JESUS SEE"?
Now the natural mind would immediately say thousands, because Jesus healed so many. However, the answer can't be found in the natural view point of the situation.
To answer the question, "how many sick people did Jesus see", the answer is, Jesus didn't see any sick people. What do I mean for healing to take place the focus has to be on the end result desired and not the present situation.
The bible says that we should walk by faith and not by sight. For us to do that we have to see e every person we meet as the perfection for which God called them to be.
You can never help a person as long as you can not see past were they are. When Jesus healed the lame man, the told him take up your bed and walk. In other words, get up and do what you were created to do. Notice he never acknowledged the man's problem. I can not recall one incident were Jesus acknowledged the sickness, he only said what should be.
He would not even acknowledge that death was present. In one story, when referring to death, Jesus said, he is only sleeping.
If God is going to be able to use you to heal anyone in any capacity you have to see people from the "end result", and give no energy to were they are.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Man With The Red List - Bishop Wilson
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