Friday, December 23, 2011

The Truth

Coaching Tip #1 The Truth - Apostle Sage

The bible declares that the truth has the power to make you free. However, I think we have not grasp the fullness of this principle.

If you find out the facts about a situation it may give you inside but yet still not free you spiritual. An example of that would be the person that is in a relationship and finds that their parnter is cheating on them. The fact are there, but that does not have the power to free them. They can leave the relationship, but that doesn't free them.

The truth that frees you will not be the truth from outside, it will be the truth that you learn about yourself as a result of the experience. It not only frees you from the present relationship it gives you the power to remain free from future relationships that would not be good for you; if you truly learn the lesson.

The truth that makes you and can keep you free is the truth you learn and are willing to hear about yourself.

Wilsonmedia (C) 2011

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