Professional Speaker, Seminar Facilitator, Leadership Consultant, Life & Spiritual Coaching
By M. Christopher Wilson, Sr
I’m sure have all heard the statement “There is a thin line between love and hate.”
Another thought along that same concept is this:
There is a very thin line between your Success and your failure.
Between living out your dreams verse living in your worst nightmare.
Between having your desires and having to settle for less that you desire or deserve.
The differences
The difference lies 100 percent in the seemingly insignificant choices that we are making in our thoughts actions and deeds everyday, all day! Think about it, the only thing that separates you from the millionaire next door is the choices that you on a daily bases!
- Not his money
- Not the opportunities that you feel they may have had
- Not the family they were born into.
The truth of the matter is all roads from were you are and your can go any were from were you are!
Not the Big Things
We have been made to think is the big decision that make all the difference.o Marriage is big, but what about how your choice to treat you spouse on a daily bases. That seems like a small thing, but it is what determines if your going to married 5 or 50 years.
The career you choice, that is a big thing, but the choices you make about that job on a daily bases is much more important.
It is the simple and small choice made every day that are shaping your destiny or sealing your demise.
Why is this such a big problem? It is as easy not to do these things as it is to do them.
Daily Disciplines
We have to develop daily disciplines in our thinking:
- To make Choice that build on our success!
- To stop looking at our decisions as one time events with not future consequences.
No Quantum Leaps
When it comes to your success there are no:
- Escalators
- Elevators
- Big breaks
- Or lotteries
Success is defined as the progressive realization of a worth ideal or goal. The key word is progressive, slow and steady movement forward. When it comes reaching your dreams there are no quantum leaps. Even if you see someone that ha seemingly has a quantum leap in there life or career, asking about the process and your find out the real story!
Success consist totally of baby steps that are compound over time to create mile after mile of defined success. Defined success means you didn’t stumble into it you planned it.
One Step in the Right Direction
A better anything starts with one step in the direction of your desire! Allow the steps that you make in your decision making to be your yellow brick road to your land of Oz.
Bishop Wilson is a leadership, life & Spiritual Coach that helps people identify, evaluate the severity of and remove the mental hindrances to their success. Whether through keynotes, half-day workshops, or multi-day seminars, Bishop M. Christopher Wilson’s thought provoking presentations are lively, positive, and encouraging. You can find more info at:
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