Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Expanding the Territory of Your Mind

Wilson Leadership Institute
Professional Speaker, Seminar Facilitator, Leadership Consultant, Life & Spiritual Coaching

Expanding the Territory of Your Mind
By M. Christopher Wilson, Sr.

One of the most powerful tools that every person has is the human brain. The brain is more powerful and complex than any computer. Though it is readily accessible to all of us, very few are ever challenged to push the envelop of our mental possibility. Even in our institutes of learning, the use of imagination along with academics is not encouraged.

If we are ever to experience our life in the manner that we were created to live we must learn to take the breaks off of our mind and use our imagination. Your imagination is the key to entering the next season of your life.

Imagination is Key

In the same manner that the wrong use of our imaginations and thoughts can take us into a state of crisis, when used correctly it can be a vehicle to bring us out. Weather you know it or not, what you are thinking is either unlocking the door of your past or unlocking the door of your future. The same key, it just depends on which way you want to turn the knobs of your thoughts.

Self-Imposed Limitations.

The main reason that many of us keep seeing the same things appearing in our lives is because we keep using our key incorrectly. This way of thinking becomes what I call a self-imposed limitation. Why Self-imposed? Because the way you think is never forced on you. We all have influences, but the same way that you have dismissed other philosophies from our minds you have the power to dismiss the things that you have excepted as truth that you can now see are limiting you.

Every limitation that we have in our life exists only in our mind and they remain only by our consent. When we allow limitations to remain we develop ‘boxed thinking’. What that means is we begin thinking in predictable patterns.

We all have physical limits, but none of us truly have limitations. Can I physically lift 1000lbs? No. Can I find a way to lift 1000lbs? Yes! Can I buy a million dollar home right at this moment? No. Do we All have the ability and opportunity to make the money? Yes!

Every limitation that we have in our lives is nothing more than a product of our imagination. It is what you believe you can or can not do that makes all the difference in what you will or will not experience in your life. For everything that you believe that you can not accomplish there is someone somewhere that has been through something similar to what you have been through and right now is doing what you’re afraid to dream!

The people around you love it as long as you keep thinking in the realm of your self imposed limitations. You become a thread to their lives of mediocrity when you start to dream and talk about things that they are afraid of failing at. The only reason that anyone is afraid to try anything boils down to fear of failure.

Many people go off to college and earn many outstanding degrees and awards, yet their minds are still in park, condemning them to mediocrity. However, when a person gains and understanding of the power they possess with the human mind they can no longer remain in the realm of mediocrity.

Success starts with removing the self-imposed limitations of your mind. Mr. Henry Ford, founder of the Ford motor company said, “the person that says he can and the one that says he can’t they are both right’. His philosophy here is, your success and failure are a matter of what you believe about yourself!

When we speak to people they can be very articulate when it comes to telling us all the reasons why they feel they can not accomplish their dreams. What they fail to understand is that all the barriers that they will encounter in their life are either strengthen or destroyed in the mind. The barriers that we all face will mostly deal with our attitude about the situation. A change in our attitude is one of the first things that has to take place. Your attitude about what you have to face truly makes all the difference!

The barriers you will face have nothing to do with:

  • A lack of God’s resources being available to you.

  • A lack of talent on your part that keeps you from prospering.

  • Nothing to do with what you have done in your past and how people may look at you!

When the difference is you living a live of success verses one of suffering and poverty, who cares what people think! The only thing that can keep us out of the best that life has to offer is our wrong thinking!

Enlarge your Vision

One thing we need to pray and intend to manifest in our life is “eyes that are trained to see possibilities and are not focused on limitations! This is the beginning of the process of enlarging your vision. Before we can enlarge our vision we have to train our eyes to see possibilities and opportunities; finding the good in every situation. This comes with, as I spoke of earlier, a change of attitude. A change of attitude changes the way that you see things. When the way you see things changes the things you see or are attentive to will also change.

An enlarged vision without a change in attitude is useless. You don’t want to enlarge negativity. You don’t want to enlarge a scarcity mentality. You don’t want to enlarge low self-esteem.
From being a born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and growing up in the church, I had a lot of wrong teaching that I had to overcome to get to this type of thinking. In the church we were taught that no matter what the situation we are just to leave everything in the hands of the Lord. The proper meaning is, trust in God. The misconception is that we don’t have to do anything. However, when we have any understanding of biblical teaching we can quickly see that God did not create us to be the robots that religion has made us out to have to be. We have to be willing to be an active participant in our own deliverance.

If you’re going to enlarge your vision you have to learn to see through the eyes of faith & possibility, no matter what your natural senses are telling you!

  • Faith that says I’m healed, when the doctors have given up.

  • Faith that says I’m a winner, in the mist of a defeating situation.

  • Faith that says I’m a winner, even when the once in your own family see you as a failure.

Unless you learn to see through eyes of faith & possibility you will only root yourself deeper in the reality of your current situation or worst you will be subject to repeating your past.

Memory of the Past.

People that are not going anywhere themselves will always try to remind you of where you came from. They do this to us not understanding that we have our own battles that go on in the mind that tries to keep us in that pattern of thinking anyway.

The mind, if left unattended, will hypnotize you into believing the way things were in your past are the way they have to be in your future. When you’re not actively guarding your mind, will and emotions your memories and your imagination become best friends. This is a dangerous combination! The reason being, you don’t want to allow the creative force of your life (imagination) to be anyway influence by your past.

It doesn’t matter if a situation was good or bad you should never waist time reliving your past. When a person has an addiction all they are doing is longing for that first high again. This is the same thing many are doing with their thoughts, trying to relive a past sensation.

The caution about reliving bad situations in our mind is this; any thought that you have that is accompanied by strong emotions has the ability to manifest in your life again. That is why people that have just come out of bad relationships need 6-12 months, some times longer, to get rid of the attachments in their mind. If they start looking for someone else while they still have thoughts and strong emotions about the relationship gone bad, the only kind of person they will attract or that will be attracted to them is someone like the person they were with before.

Understanding Desire

When we speak of expanding the territory of our mind and enlarging our vision it is very important that we explore the subject of desire. One thing that I have learned about desire that I think many over look is that Desire is always created by sight. What you see will create a craving in your conscious mind, more commonly known as a desire.

I’m sure that we have all heard that Faith comes by hearing, but desire comes by seeing. With that understanding you have to be careful of what you set before your eyes. Everything that may look good to us may not be good for us. The more you see anything the more involved you become with that thing on an emotional level. That is why pornography is so addictive. It not only affects you hormonally there becomes an emotional attachment.


If we are to enlarge our vision we have to be honest with ourselves and have what I call an involution. An involution is a going within the mind with the intent of investigating. During this internal mental investigation we need to ask ourselves what incorrect images of self am I entertaining.

A person is defeated in their mind long before it is apparent to those around them. Heavy Weight Champion Joe Lewis said, “Champions are not made in the ring, the champion in them only shows up there”.

Whatever shows up in you has been cooking for awhile. Winning, being victorious, being prosperous, having joy, being happy all starts in the mind. You have to develop and image in your mind of you doing well, having success in what you desire to do. You will quickly see this change in thinking is very important once you come to understand, you get precisely what you expect out of life.

God’s Desire for You.

God’s desire for all of his creation is increase and prosperity!

Deuteronomy 8:18 KJV But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, …

Our birthright is one of increase and prosperity. You need to know this, but you are the only one that can stretch your faith into accepting this truth. Remember faith comes by hearing and desire comes by seeing. As you expand your desire you automatically begin to stretch your faith. The stretching of your faith comes when you begin to desire something that is beyond your natural ability to accomplish in your own power.

Stinking Thinking

If you are to ever enlarge your thinking you have to rid yourself of all your stinking thinking. You can identify stinking thinking by the way it makes you feel. The emotions that are attached to these thoughts will keep you attracting more thoughts like them for you to think and the result is like situations will keep showing up in your life.

If we could get people to be honest we could see that 90% of the people that find themselves victims of any acts of discrimination had at some time been active in entertaining thoughts of being discriminated against.

You have to STOP!

  • Stop thinking failure and start anticipating promotion!

  • Stop thinking sickness and start thinking about good health until you find yourself eating better and working out at the gym.

  • Stop revisiting and rehearsing your past and start envisioning YOU’RE future.

There can be no change in your situation until there is a change in your mind! Nothing moves unless the mind moves it! You have to make room for increase in your mind long before you will see it in your reality.

Enlarging your vision is:

  • Stretching your faith.

  • Invites God into your situation.

  • Awakes the infinite co-creator in you.

New Wine Skins

In days past people would keep their wine in wine skins created from the flesh of animals. New wine skins were soft and pliable, but they would lose there elasticity with age. When new wine was poured into old wine skins the wine would expand and the bags would burst wasting the wine. New wine DEMANDED new skins!

Our mind is just like those wine skins. Think about how you thought just 10 years back compared to now! Time has caused us to not be as flexible in our thinking! If you’re going to enlarge your vision you can’t keep a restricted attitude about your life. Success DEMANDS a new way of thinking!

The way things have been are not the way they have to stay and yesterday is not a reflection of your tomorrow, if you allow your thinking to change! Expand the territory of your Mind!

Wilson Leadership Institute © Copyrights 2007 all Rights Reserved
Bishop Wilson is a leadership; life & Spiritual Coach that helps people identify, evaluate the severity of and remove the mental hindrances to their success.

If you are interested in having Bishop Wilson coach you to success, visit us at:

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