Friday, December 28, 2007

Top 20 Reasons Why Pastors Should Write Articles

Wilson Leadership Institute
Professional Speaker, Seminar Facilitator, Leadership Consultant, Life & Spiritual Coaching

Top 20 Reasons Why Pastors Should Write Articles
By M. Christopher Wilson, Sr

One of the greatest tools that has been used from the very beginning of time and is still available to all of us is the craft of writing. Before TV, radio, internet and ipods our entertainment and enjoyment was found on pages and pages of great manuscripts.

I know that we are in the computer age, but writing is still one of the greatest means of expressing and expanding our thoughts and ideas so that others can be taught, instructed and enlighten. It doesn’t matter if you prefer pen and paper, blackberries, palm pilots or laptops; writing is the birth canal for ideas that would other wise remain aloof dreams.

I want to give you the “Top 20 Reasons” why I believe that every pastor and minister should consider writing. I’m not asking you to start out by writing a 200 page book; that will come! I just want you to start getting your feet wet by writing 700 to 1000 word articles. I know it may sound hard, but the key is to write about subjects that you are interested in! When you really set your mind to write thoughts expand as you stretch the creative potential of your cognitive thinking.

In giving you my “Top 20 Reasons Why Pastors Should Write Articles” I will also give you a tip I have used to write hundreds of articles over the years. It is very simple, just find a subject that you’re interested in and make a list! This list may be 10, 20 or 100 things related to your topic of interest. Believe me; if you’re really interested in a subject you will not have any problem making a list of at least 10 subtopics (could expand into 10 separate small articles). You then use this list like and outline to begin the writing process.

Do I have to be a great speller? Do I have to use $100 words? Do I have to have a perfect understanding of grammar? The answer to any of the questions that people use not to write is NO! I’m not a great speller at all!!!! I still make many mistakes. However, I’m not willing to allow that to be a reason for me to stop doing what I love; writing! The more you write the more you will want to write and the better you will get!

OK, here we go, “The Top 20 Reasons Why Pastors Should Write Articles.”

  1. You should write articles because no one can say it like you do!

  2. Article writing helps you to expand your thoughts and ideas from intangible to three-dimensional.

  3. Article writing stimulates new ideas and thoughts for sermons.

  4. Articles uploaded to the internet can allow you to minister to people you will never meet who may not be willing to listen to a ministry audio or DVD.

  5. You should write articles because you can use a collection of related topics to create training manuals or devotionals.

  6. You should write articles because you can use a collection of related topics as the ground work for future books.

  7. You should write articles because everyone is not willing to read entire books.

  8. Article writing can brand you as an expert on particular topics.

  9. Article writing will cause you to be a more prolific speaker.

  10. Article writing has the capacity to give your presentations and sermons more content.

  11. You should write articles because the study and preparation will broaden the area of your expertise on a given subject.

  12. Article writing helps you develop another tool for not only casting but also expanding your ministry vision.

  13. Article writing causes you to be more articulate when it comes to verbally casting your ministry vision.

  14. Article writing causes you to be more likely to act on your own thoughts and ideas that will lead you to success.

  15. Some people are motivated by visional and not audible information.

  16. Articles solidify your thoughts for the next generation.

  17. Articles are easily and inexpensively reproduced and can be given away during your speaking engagements; with information about your ministry and website.

  18. A collection of related articles can be used as a manuscript for a great audio program that can be produced and burned to CD right from your home computer.

  19. Online articles have the potential of taking your teaching to tens of thousands of people.

  20. Online articles are great drawing cards that will influence people to come and return to your ministry website.

So what are you waiting for! Get started!


  1. Make a list of 5 topics that you’re familiar with.

  2. Decide which topic you’re most interested in.

  3. Rank your topics from 1 to 5 with 1 being most interested.

  4. Over the next few days brainstorm and write 10 subtopics for each main topic.

You now have an outline for at least 30 or more articles.

Bishop Wilson is a leadership; life & Spiritual Coach that helps people identify, evaluate the severity of and remove the mental hindrances to their success.

If you would like to have Bishop Wilson to coach you to success, or having him to assist you with getting your articles online visit us at

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