Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Law of Attraction and A Balanced Lifestyle

Wilson Leadership Institute
Professional Speaker, Seminar Facilitator, Leadership Consultant, Life & Spiritual Coaching

The Law of Attraction & A Balanced Lifestyle.
By M. Christopher Wilson, Sr

We live in a world where things that should be counted as uncommon have become widespread. One of which, is more familiar than we would think, is people that have no balance in their lives. Balance is defined as stability, steadiness, and equilibrium.

When we speak of a person having a balanced life we mean that person has a since of stability in every area of their life. In the book the “Power of Focus” by Jack canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Hewitt, they defined a balanced life as having “work that you love that gives you excellent financial return and allows you to have significant time off to pursue your other interest.”

For many of us if that is the definition of a balanced life then we would be quick to say we have a ways to go. However, the first factor to having a balanced life is to understand the reason why you don’t currently have the balance you desire. Nothing comes into your life without a mental invitation. The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like. Your lack of balance is not something that started a day ago or even a month ago. For your life to reach a state of being unhealthy and unbalanced it has been a process. The lack of balanced always starts with the careless decisions that you make that turn out in the long run to be unhealthy for you spiritually, socially, financially, and relationally.

When I speak of mental invitations I’m referring mostly to our non-deliberate attractions. Any thought that you have that is accompanied with strong emotions becomes an unalterable magnet that has the power to draw like situations in to your experience. When your mind is consumed with work related cares this magnet is at work making sure that you have and unbearable amount of what you have been thinking about.

Thoughts are literally regenerative in nature. The more you think about a particular subject or matter the more thoughts you will attract. The more you think about work the more work you will have to think about. If you are passive when it comes to your mind and thoughts you will find yourself in a state of being unhealthy & unbalanced very often. An unbalanced life is simply the outward manifestation of unbalanced thinking. Long before a person’s outward life shows up as being noticeably unbalance their thoughts have long been contaminated.

Since it is the mind that leads us to a state of being unbalanced we must first seek to regain a mental state of balance before we try to change individual habits. The attempt to change habits without first having a firmness of purpose in the mind is a futile attempt. We must remember that habits are only the products of thoughts. If we try to change the habit without changing the thoughts we will be fighting a losing battle. If you desire a different result you have to first develop a different way of thinking which leads to new habits.

The solution here is to use the Law of Contrast to become very clear in your mind about what you do not want. If you desire balance it is necessary that you first establish in your mind what balance would look like verses what you are currently experiencing.

What you have Vs What you want

Long hours. Vs Shorter Work days.

No time at home with family. Vs Quality time With Family.

Leaving home before daylight. Vs Sleeping in from time to time.

Coming home late. Vs Flexible Hours.

No vacations. Vs Vacations.

No Social life. Vs Time for Friends.

When you’re working with the law of attraction remember you get what you think about with strong emotions weather deliberately or non-deliberately. The more you focus on long hours the more jobs you will attract that require long hours. When you get down on yourself and start feeling guilty about not being able to spend time with your family you are then sending out a negative vibration. What this does is cause you to land in a position that calls for you to miss more time with your family.

Balance comes when we begin to focus on what we want and not on what we don’t want. If you truly desire to have shorter work days, to spend quality time with family etc then these need to be the thoughts that you are constantly mulling over in your mind. When you do this and can muster up strong emotions with those thoughts you have just set yourself on a mental path to regaining balance. You will see other start asking to help you with work you normally have to do yourself. You will find yourself being more productive and finishing projects weeks ahead of schedule. You may even find yourself landing a better job that offers you what you have only imagined!

What you do with this extra time is yet another self-discipline that you have to master. We say we want what we want, but when the Law of Attraction delivers it will we have the mental alertness to do what we need to do.

Remember, you deserve to have fun! Life is meant to be lived up close and in living color, not from in front of a 42 inch plasma TV. Creating balance demands change! That change starts with changing the way you prioritize, what is most important to you. Get that piece straight and allow the Law of Attraction to do the rest.


  1. A Balanced life - that means that person has a since of stability in every area of their life.

  2. We invite our unhealthy & unbalanced lifestyle.

  3. An unbalanced life is simply the outward manifestation of unbalanced thinking.

  4. A balanced thought life must be gained first.

  5. Use the Law of Contrast to become very clear about what you do not want.

  6. Balance comes when we begin to focus on what we want.

  7. Correct thinking &The Law of Attraction delivers balance, be discipline to keep it.

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