Saturday, June 18, 2011

There are only two foods that are available to feed your mind, faith or fear. - Sage
I am aiming for the sun and If i only reach the stars I am still better off than 98% of the people I encounter every that believe only what they can see & expecting only what they can conceive through their understanding. - Sage Martin Wilson
Once you are converted in the spirit of your mind, your daily experience will also be converted. What that means is I am not just saved cuz I call myself a Christian, but I have allowed God to convert my mind which converts my entire life and what I will experience!!! - Sage
Bishop Jordan says the mind is a bank. I understand what I put in positive or negitive draws interest and dividend. - Sage
The most dangerous enemy is not the enemy that comes from the outside, but the one that already within. There is enough going on within (Your mind) stop looking through the peephole. - Sage

Friday, June 17, 2011

We are dying because of what we don't know and don't care to learn. If my neighbor has a great garden and I am trying to grow a garden and not getting much success only ignorance would cause me to set in my yard with my family and run my neighbor down, by talking bad about his garden. Common sense says, get your butt out there and ask him how to do it correctly! -Sage
If we lack in any area of our life we most first address the lack of knowledge about the issue before you can effectively change the situation. - Sage
One of the greatest tragedies is there is so much to be learn and so little desire to learn. I speak to people with issues every day and it is not a demon or a devil just a lack of truth/knowledge that can liberate and set them free. - Sage
MOST people with titles are some of the "NON-PRAYINGEST" people in town!! +JDE II
There is a world that is dying and separated from God and we have the answer. The problem is we are not valuable enough to them because we have locked ourselves behind the walks of our church. - Archbishop Veron Ashe
The world is crying out for salt and to get delivered from the need to have church so we can be trained to be the church. - ArchBishop Veron Ash
You can run from people and situations that cause you pain but you will keep meeting them in new places and new face, until you learn the lesson to be learned. - Sage
A limited supply is always the result of a limited vision. Fear to act on a vision is equally as bad. - Sage

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"If you never want to forget your pass, tell church folks". They will never let you forget...- Pastor Vickie Witherspoon

Monday, June 13, 2011

Each time you compare yourself & ministry to others you will come away feeling less than. - Bishop Eric Garners
Each time you compare yourself & ministry to others you will come away feeling less than. - Bishop Eric Garners
Please stop the social gymnastic, everyone is not going to like you & approve of all you do .- Sage
All the concepts of self are created in ur mind. If you dont like who you have become rethink yourself. - Sage

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Whatever good ur mind can conceive is insight to what God is desiring to assist you in manifesting into your reality. - Sage

Thursday, June 9, 2011

U will never understand how important it is 2 follow instructions until u start. Every missed blessing is the result of an over looked instruction.
Use power to help people. . .There is but one just use of power. . . to serve people. - George Bush, Sr

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

PUSH- Pray Until specifics happen! Dont be afraid to ask God for just what you want. - Min. Phil Jones
The demise of most relationship is the collision of two historys. - Dr. Carlton Person

Monday, June 6, 2011

Good preaching is good, great notes of the good preaching is even better. The shortest pencil is longer than the best memory. - Sage/John Maxwell

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Its real funny when ppl try to apologe after they do something bad. - Mike Epps (Jump the Broom)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

If you dont have your health what do you really have naturally? Its youR body, for Godsake please do something with it! - Sage
If what you say does not cause others to think about what they doing then you didnt think about what you said before you said it. - Sage

Friday, June 3, 2011

Church was good, but I tired of seeing ppl falling out in floor. All I hear God saying HOW MANY SOULS WHERE SAVED, WHO CAME TO CHRIST:(
Gifted ppl with no correction will never reach the level of anointing a person under anthority will. - Sage
A gift only becomes anointed when it is submitted to God & pastoral leadship. Other than that it is just a perfected talent. - Pastor James Hunter
Never mistake pride & vanity for leadership. - Anthony Hopkin (from movie Thor)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

102 Degress in Morg. NC. Hell, any on way I want to go there. Hell that is, I m in Morg. Lol
Souls Harvest Ministry Revival Mother Lula Williams. Jun 1 - 3. Watch live video stream online @

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why if a prophet is single & giving a word to a beautiful single lady is the Lord always sending a husband?