Thursday, December 18, 2008

'In-to-me-see' '

I have found that many of us have very shape insight into the behavior of others. The downside to this gift is we are so quick to see the flaws in others that we never see how bitter we really are. You can't constantly focus on dirty and not get dirty.

The best uses of such a gift would be to take time to look at the issues and toxic relationship in our own lives.

When you find people that can find pleasure in degrading other, with no intent of helping, it is because they are really not happy with their own life. This is why they spend so much time in everyone else affairs.

Evidence of this unhappiness will manifest outwardly in sickness, excessive medication, dislike or excessive focus on appearance & periods of depression.

Start today, focus on improving your own life. Another person's life is too big of a project for you with all you have on your plate!

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